Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cowboy/Cowgirl Day

Cowboy/cowgirl day was super fun! We had a great time with our stick horse races. Some of us are really fast gallopers. Great job dressing up and yeehaw to you!

We had a fun pj day!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

November 2010

Sorry it has been so long! Believe it or not this are the only recent pictures I have! The camera has been used by others and I was unable to take any really good pictures at the Field Trip since I wasn't there. I need your help! Please send me, pictures of the Field Trip if you have them and also, the Halloween party with the nursery rhymes. I would really appreciate your help getting some more pictures posted. The new website is difficult to navigate so I will be using this to update you about things going on in the classroom.
On a side note, many of you have asked when my last day will be. Officially it is December 14th that is if baby girl doesn't decide to come earlier. :)